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Cabin Fever

  Cabin Fever 14”x11” oil on stretched canvas. May of 2020. I just really loved painting this. We were in lockdown. The reflection in this teapot has my family, trapped. The heat of it is spewing steam but it’s a happy steam. I liked having my family around me. I missed my friends. Although in some ways it was very trying, Lockdown was, for me, about love.
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Holding Pattern

 Holding Pattern 8”x10” August 6, 2020 oil on stretched canvas. This painting was the last painting I did during the pandemic until now. The new owner calls it “Moody Blues.” 


Cliff 30"x 40"  This painting is about the edge we all find ourselves perched on. Green is simultaneously about money, which has put us here, but also about growth, which is what is needed, for us to survive this mess.


Meteor 30"x 40" This painting was painted with a large group show in mind. Neither of the large paintings I completed with this show in mind, have been shown yet, except in my living room. I painted it with the "me too" movement in mind. 

Where have all the marbles gone?

I honestly am throwing these paintings up here, because I like them, they have sold, and I want a place to quickly show people some things I have done. I have not painted since March, and don't expect to until September. I had a family emergency that has kept me from doing the thing I love. I need to reorganize everything in a way that makes sense to me. Technology makes it hard because it keeps changing. The only thing you can count on, is change. 


Adolescent 24" x 18" Oil on stretched canvas June 7, 2017    In the flurry of my show last year, I did not post several paintings. I had meant to build a new site and post them there, but my dog got sick. A little like "my dog ate my homework" but it's true. It took up several months right around the time of the show and I just never did post some of those paintings. I am in the process of setting up a better site now, but I thought I would post this one, since I submitted it for a juried show, recently. The whole time I was painting it, I was thinking the word, "agress." It would just pop into my head. But when I finished the painting, the emotional reaction I felt was sometimes aggression, but sometimes something other than that. Something like candy. Appeal. My daughter said, "It's just like adolescence. You should name it that. So, I did. By the way, my dog is doing okay.

Red Queen

Red Queen 5" x 7" --oil-- This was a wedding present for a friend I knew in High School. Specifically, he was in my art class and kind of tortured me for my methods, taste and subject matter. He went on to become a high school art teacher, himself, which shouldn't surprise me. After reconnecting on Facebook, he has encouraged me in many ways, as I developed my skills. He encouraged me to dedicate a space for painting, to switch to oil, to keep going. Although I have had many arguments with him in my mind about many things relating to art,  he has been a great resource and support. I can't wait to meet his new bride.